According to a statement released on Friday, April 30, the Delhi Commission for Protection of Child Rights (DCPCR) has recently launched a helpline in a bid to address the requirements of orphaned children who lost their parents or caregivers due to the COVID-19 pandemic. While the needs of the orphans will be met, the helpline will also see to the care of those children whose parents have been hospitalised or are dealing with other difficulties.
Manning the number (+91 9311551393) will be a panel of counsellors who are trained to address any mental health concerns like anxiety, loneliness, and trauma of these children. The statement also states that Anurag Kundu, Chairman of the DCPCR, will reportedly keep a close watch and ensure that issues raised by callers are addressed within 24 hours.
“Children are the most vulnerable in these testing times as they remain dependent on others to provide for them. The panel is receiving numerous cases wherein a child has lost all sources of support and is in need of immediate care. The commission is committed to resolving all such cases in less than 24 hours,” Kundu said.
According to the statement, the DCPCR intervenes within 24 hours on all SOS calls on the helpline. The commission will take care of all the child’s immediate requirements which may include arranging for medicines, shelter, or essential supplies of food, clothing etc.