Actor and activist Emma Watson made a stunning return to the red carpet recently in a gown made from recycled wedding dresses. The ensemble was designed and created by Harris Reed for her appearance at the Earthshot Prize ceremony, a new annual global prize event which was hosted by the Duke of Cambridge and the Royal Foundation to incentivise change and help to repair our planet over the next 10 years.
The custom made outfit sported by Watson consisted of a voluminous asymmetrical top paired with a pair of black trousers and finished with jewellery from London-based brand Missoma. The black and white number, much like Reed’s recently showcased Spring/Summer 2022 collection, was made from second-hand wedding dresses, deconstructed and reconstructed, giving it the designer’s signature flare.
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Watson, a well-known advocate for sustainable fashion, has made conscious sartorial choices on the red carpet time and again. Most recently, at the 2018 Golden Globes Awards, the Harry Potter star chose a black silk high-neck sleeveless gown crafted out of discarded fabric, designed by Ronald van der Kemp.
Much like Watson, other celebrities also graced the red carpet with sustainable choices in the fashion department. The Duke of Cambridge wore an upcycled velvet jacket and was accompanied by the Duchess of Cambridge who opted for a 10-year-old Alexander McQueen dress she had previously worn at the 2011 Bafta ceremony.
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With the kind of influence celebrities have in today’s age of media and exposure, conscious moves like these help make an impactful difference.
Here are 10 times celebrities have sported stylish yet sustainable outfits: Click here to read