Danish brand Skagen has announced the launch of its sustainable watch collection called “Aaren Naturals” in India. The collection includes watches in earthy tones made from plant-based leather alternatives like apple leather, mulberry leather and cork leather. The dials are made of recycled paper or cork, while the dial cases are made of at least 50 per cent recycled stainless steel. Some watch straps are also made from 100 per cent cotton backed with LWG-approved Nubuck leather. LWG or Leather Working Group is a not-for-profit organisation whose aim is to “improve the environmental impact of the leather industry by assessing and certifying leather manufacturers.” The brand, however, does mention that the leather alternatives made with cork and apple also include man-made materials.
The collection, which is a part of the company’s pro-planet initiative is currently available on Tata Cliq and is priced at ₹9495 per watch. In a statement about the sustainable launch, Johnson Verghese, managing director at the brand’s parent company Fossil India, said: “Sustainability in business has always been an industry need, one that is gaining significance now more than ever. We are delighted to introduce the very essence of Denmark through the Aaren Naturals collection, for Indian consumers.”
The Fossil Group, which owns the brand, has also recently launched a collection of accessories made of cactus-derived leather under its home brand Fossil. Products made from the cactus leather save water, are durable and go through a natural tanning process.
Image Source: skagen.com