To promote a better upbringing for girls, a Khap panchayat in Meerut, Uttar Pradesh has set a good example by passing an order that aims to change the attitude of our society towards girls and women. The panchayat in Meerut has asked villagers to display the name of their girl child on the home’s nameplate.
This initiative is spearheaded by Neera Tomar, the principal of Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College. Tomar has been educating the panchayat heads of Meerut on how women around the world are making their parents proud by excelling in different fields.
The villagers are more than pleased with this move and have been saying how Tomar promotes gender equality and the empowerment of girls. Though she didn’t get a great response initially, she was determined to make this happen. Her persistent efforts changed the outlook of the heads of the panchayat and the order was passed.
“The step will change the conservative mindset of people that only a male child of a family can bring name and fame for the family. A few people still living with medieval age mindsets will also have a change in their attitude for a girl child after seeing other girls bringing fame for their families and villages,” a villager was quoted by News 18.
The Khap Panchayat heads and Tomar have been visiting the homes of the girls studying in the Malhu Singh Kanya Inter College to encourage their parents for their girl child’s higher education. The parents are also being requested to include the names of their daughters on their home’s nameplates.